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五 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 五

五 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 五

五 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 五

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 五

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 五

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "五" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 五 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "五" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 五 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Information of 五

4 strokes
five / 5
五 [wǔ] 1. A numeral, the sum of four and one (often represented as "伍" in uppercase on banknotes and documents). - Example: 五彩 (five colors). - Example: 五官 (five senses). - Example: 五谷 (five grains). - Example: 五金 (five metals). - Example: 五代 (the name of a Chinese dynasty, referring to the period when the Later Liang, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, and Later Zhou established regimes in the central plains). - Example: 五帝 (the five legendary emperors of China, usually referring to Huangdi, Zhuanxu, Diku, Tang Yao, and Yushun). - Example: 五毒 (referring to five poisonous creatures: scorpions, snakes, centipedes, geckos, toads). - Example: 五行 (referring to the five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, earth). - Example: 五岭 (referring to the five famous mountains: Yuechengling, Dupangling, Mengzhuling, Qitianling, Dayuling). - Example: 五岳 (referring to the five great mountains in Chinese history: East Mount Tai, West Mount Hua, South Mount Heng, North Mount Heng, and Central Mount Song). - Example: 五脏 (referring to the five internal organs: heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys). 2. An ancient Chinese musical notation symbol, equivalent to "6" in simplified notation. 五 [wǔ] 【形】 (五, a compound character formed from "二" which represents heaven and earth, and "乂" which implies crossing over. The original meaning: intersecting at noon, crisscrossing) Same as the original meaning (【英】: cross). 引 1. "说文" states: 五, yin and yang intersect between heaven and earth. 2. "诗·齐风·南山": 五两 of cloth shoes. 3. "诗·召南·羔羊": The fleece of lambs is adorned with five strands of white silk. 五 [wǔ] Four plus one (【英】: five). 五 [wǔ] 【名】 1. An ancient military unit consisting of five men ([En.] five). 2. A pair; similar ([En.] pair; couple). 3. One of the note names in gongchepu, representing a scale degree ([En.] a note of the scale in gongchepu). 4. The five elements ([En.] the five elements). 5. It is synonymous with "伍". An ancient military organization, where five men form a unit; a column ([En.] troops). 6. Refers to the five emperors ([En.] five emperors). 7. Star's name, the name of a star in the twenty-eight constellations ([En.] star's name). 8. A surname. 引 1. In terms of numbers: four plus one (【英】: five). 2. "广韵": 五 is a number. 3. In "书·舜典": five years of patrol. 4. In Tang's "柳毅传": Block the five mountains. 5. In Song's "六国论": Five battles against Qin. 6. In Ming's "宗臣《报刘一丈书》": At least five or six bows. 7. In Qing's "方苞《狱中杂记》": Supervise five rooms. 例如: - 五路总口 (the intersection of the five routes leading to the East, West, South, North, and Central). - 五车腹笥 (a metaphor for rich knowledge, as if one has five carts full of books). - 五方旗帜 (flags of five colors representing each of the five directions). - 五伯 (refers to the five hegemons of the Spring and Autumn period). - 五虫 (a collective term for five types of insects). - 五木 (referring to ancient implements). - 五浮 (the topsoil). - 五细 (five types of low-status individuals). - 五云 (the five types of cloud colors). - 五剽 (a medium type of powdered soil). - 五义 (five virtues between family members). 引 1. In "正字通": 五, synonymous with 伍, differing in meaning but same in pronunciation, where official documents state it as "五" instead of "伍".
Wǔ tái Shān
Mt Wutai in Shanxi 山西[Shan1 xi1], one of the Four Sacred Mountains and home of the Bodhimanda of Manjushri 文殊[Wen2 shu1]
yāo wǔ hè liù
lit. to shout out hoping for fives and sixes when gambling with dice; a hubbub of gambling
wǔ pǐ
Five horses
wǔ bǎi pǐ
Five hundred horses
wǔ qiān
Five thousand
Wǔ zhài
Wuzhai county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi
wǔ cùn
Five inches
wǔ chǐ
Five feet
dì wǔ jiè
wǔ jiè
wǔ suì
five years old
shí wǔ suì
gé sǎn chà wǔ
see 隔三差五|隔三差五[ge2 san1 cha4 wu3]
wǔ lǐng
the five ranges separating Hunan and Jiangxi from south China, esp. Guangdong and Guangxi, namely: Dayu 大庾嶺|大庾岭[Da4 yu3 ling3], Dupang 都龐嶺|都庞岭[Du1 pang2 ling3], Qitian 騎田嶺|骑田岭[Qi2 tian2 ling3], Mengzhu 萌渚嶺|萌渚岭[Meng2 zhu3 ling3] and Yuecheng 越城嶺|越城岭[Yue4 cheng2 ling3]
sān shān wǔ yuè
high mountains
Wǔ fēng
abbr. for 五峰土家族自治縣|五峰土家族自治县[Wu3 feng1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 xian4], Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County in Hubei / Wufeng township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan
Wǔ fēng Tǔ jiā zú Zì zhì xiàn
Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County in Hubei
wǔ zuò
Five seats
廿 niàn wǔ
wǔ cǎi bīn fēn
all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish display
wǔ sà
abbr. for 五卅運動|五卅运动[wu3 sa4 yun4 dong4], The May Thirtieth Movement (1925)
bā wǔ
Eight five
wǔ cǎi bān lán
a riot of colour(s)
wǔ jīn
Five catties
guò wǔ guān zhǎn liù jiàng
lit. to cross five passes and slay six generals (idiom) / fig. to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success)
wǔ gēng
fifth of the five night watch periods 03:00-05:00 (old)
wǔ duǒ
Five flowers
wǔ méi
Wǔ jiǎo Dà lóu
the Pentagon
wǔ bèi
five times / quintuple / fivefold
Input Method for 五
Pinyin wu3
Four Corner